From a Grateful Daughter...

"Others went out on the sea in ships; 
they were merchants on the mighty waters.
They saw the works of the LORD, 
his wonderful deeds in the deep.
For he spoke and stirred up a tempest 
that lifted high the waves.
They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; 
in their peril their courage melted away.
They reeled and staggered like drunken men; 
they were at their wits' end.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, 
and he brought them out of their distress.
He stilled the storm to a whisper; 
the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm, 
and he guided them to their desired haven.
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love 
and his wonderful deeds for men."
Psalm 107: 23-31
Read On Memorial Day 2001 at the Funeral Mass for William J Green, Jr.

Dear Daddy, 
It's been eight years since I held your hand for the last time, since I whispered how much I love you into your ear, since I watched Mom look into your eyes with such compassion and love. Sometimes I feel the distance of every single one of those years and other days it feels like you went home to God just yesterday, the images and emotions are so bright and intense.
There are so many things I want to thank you for. 
So many lessons I learned from you. You taught me the meaning of family. You showed me what it is to fight for someone you love and fight hard. Whether it be an illness or a disagreement, you taught me to persevere even in the darkest of days when all seems lost. For all things are but a season in life and they will pass. I just need to be patient, steady and wait in prayerful anticipation of the miracles that God has in store for me each and every day.

You taught me to believe without seeing, to trust God in all things, even the really hard stuff. You taught me to seek solace in Mother Mary and St. Jude. You spent so much time with your "knees to the earth". Your life was an example of devotion to Our Lord no matter what he brought your way. You picked up your cross and you walked, always with joy in your heart and a smile on your face.
You taught me to respect myself and the gifts God has given me. "Fear does not come from God but from the one who wishes you nothing but harm. Do not believe what he tells you. There all lies." You would tell me that all the time. You encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and just leap, God would provide the net. You were a great leaper Dad. You went wherever God called you. I hope I can do it half as well as you did Daddy.

You taught me what true passionate love looks like. You loved Mom with all your heart and soul and we knew that. You would do anything for your girl. I loved when you danced with her in the living room or dipped her for a kiss in the kitchen. The way you held hands when you walked down the street even toward the end when Mom would steady your steps. You loved her with all you heart and soul and she loved you right back with everything she had. She still does to this day. I know that she looks forward to holding your hand once again in heaven for an eternity. Not yet though, I still need her here for awhile longer. I'm selfish that way you know. God can only have one of you at a time.
You taught me the tough love that a parent must sometimes show to their kids. You showed me how to make those hard choices as a parent. I tell Jonathan stories all the time of my escapades and how you were always there with lesson in hand. Love was always present. Even if the punishment was harsh, it always fit the crime. I haven't always been able to follow through so well Daddy, but I keep trying, just like you taught me to. Thank you for helping me to love and not spoil my children. 
Thank you for being the best Dad. I know that I was not always easy to love. Thank you for never giving up on me, for always seeing the very best in me. Mom says all the time that even though your gone, the lessons and love you gave are still here, in the hearts and minds of your children and grandchildren. I know that's true Daddy. I see it all the time. We are all pieces of a great big puzzle. When you put us all together, we have you at the center of our family.
It was the greatest privilege to be your daughter, an honor I will carry into eternity one day. Say hello to my two little ones for me Daddy. Hold them tight for me until I can get there to meet them. And if Courtney beats me there, promise me you'll be right there next to Jesus when she storms those gates. Dance with her like you used to dance with me, laugh and run. Keep her busy until I get there OK. 

Pray for me Daddy as I pray for you everyday. Sometimes life is so very hard and I long to see your smiling face, for you to tell me every things going to be OK. Then I hear you speak to my heart and say "Never give up, never quit. God is with you and so am I. "

I love you now and forever. I hope to make you proud each and everyday
of my life. Put in a good word for me with the Big Guy. I need all the help 
I can get.
Your Grateful Daughter, 
Mary Beth

*The song playing in the video is "Prayer for Home" by Fernando Ortega
