where, oh where has mary been???

Where, oh where have I been for the past week...

...to three different medical complexes for a total of four hours of medical consultations with my sidekick, the lovely Miss Courtney.

...closing myself away from the world writing 32,000 words (so far) of Courtney's book so that's it's ready for my pitch at
The Catholic Writer's Conference in August.

...cleaning my house from top to bottom with the help of hubby and #1 son. You can no longer wright in my dust. Woohoo!

...planning out the remainder of the summer to make sure everything gets done before Jonathan returns to school in August and Courtney in September.

...reading about clean eating and revamping my summer menu plans to reflect a healthier lifestyle that is sorely needed in our home. I can't wait to share some of them with you soon.

Where have you been? Leave a comment and let me know...

