small successes (vol.1)...

So on this beautiful Thursday morning I though I would join in the fun at Faith and Family LIVE! with a few small successes of my own. 

1. I am so glad that hubby and I decided to steal away for a late movie last night. We needed to laugh so much. I am blessed to walk beside this man.

2. I woke up this morning feeling more energized than I have in a long time. The fact that I stayed away from sugar and carbs yesterday was a MAJOR act of the will and really hard. I hope I can do it again today. 

3. I didn't lose my temper with the 19 year old who changed his plans last evening without informing anyone. I just simply pointed out that we are a team and we all count on each other. It was also just plan rude. This morning he left me a sticky note with his daily schedule and a smiley face. Progress I think.

So take a moment and write down your three small successes this week. Then go to Faith and Family Live! to share them with the rest of the blogging world. 

Have a fabulous day!
