Why would I think this is a good idea? Well with J-man moving back home and me working part-time life has gotten a little crazy lately and the food budget has begun to soar as I have bought more convenience items. So in keeping with the spirit of my
New Years Resolutions here are my families rules:
1. Fully utilizing everything in the pantry and freezer, I will make a menu plan for the next four weeks.
2. I will shop ONCE every two weeks for fresh items including produce and dairy.
3. I will spend NO MORE than $50 each trip on these items.
4. I will still participate in the
I Heart Cooking Clubs and
The Barefoot Bloggers Challenges. There will be at least two opportunities for "specialty meals" this month. These will be included in the challenge as well.
5. The money saved this month will go to savings (ie. The Dave Ramsey Plan)
The challenge for me will be to spend as little money as possible this month on food items. Anyone else care to join me? Leave a comment as we travel through this month. I will publish my menu plan next Monday (1/11). It will be a four week plan that includes the meals from this week since I already started the challenge.
I am looking forward to seeing what my kitchen muse and I come up with. It should be quite the culinary adventure.
Bon Appetite!