Relevant '11...

The past week has been anything but normal. Fighting illness and trying to meet all my obligations almost proved my undoing. But God is good and antibiotics are a miracle. I made it to Relevant '11 on a wing and a prayer or rather four tires and a full gas tank. From the moment I checked in I knew this would be a different experience from past conferences.

Blogging is relational. I know that sounds kind of funny seeing as I am sitting in a room, alone, typing these words. It's relational in that you my dear readers come here to this space to find a recipe, see what the lovely  Miss Courtney is up to or check out the latest Inspirational Christian Fiction. Or maybe you check in for my rants on life including my intimate relationship with yoga pants. Sometimes you send me emails and sometimes you leave me comments. You ask questions, you offer prayers. We have spent four years now getting to know each other.

I do the same thing with other bloggers. I read their words and am inspired by their journey's. I leave comments, send emails, write letters and have made some very special friends out in the blogosphere. I am blessed indeed. I have also been blown away by some writers who have the ability to touch my heart and amaze me with their humility and grace in the face of many difficult challenges. This weekend I got the opportunity to briefly meet  a few of them and listen to them pass along an encouragement or two.

We are called to love...always love...Listening to Ann Voskamp speak is like sitting at the foot of a very wise and generous grandmother. Mind you she is a vibrant young woman but she has a very deep and strong spirit that accompanies a love for the Savior that leaves the listener in awe. She can't explain her success. She doesn't have to. As she chronicles on her blog, A Holy Experience, it's ALL for God's glory...every word, every's all offered back to Him in thanksgiving for the blessings that rain down upon her in the most mundane and simple ways. She is an incredible witness to the power of Christ's healing and redemption. It was an honor to be in the same room with her let alone get to meet her.

I have read every book Sally Clarkson has ever written. She is a legend in the homseschooling community. She is a woman who has a heart for encouragement and one of the most kind and genuine woman I have ever had the privilege of meeting, albeit briefly. She loves the Lord and carries such JOY for Him in her heart it is effusive in everything she shares. Her blog, I Take Joy is aptly named. She breathes joy and she just wants you to know how much He loves you and how much He wants to share this motherhood journey with you. What a gift she is!

There were so many others who shared their hearts and how the Lord has renewed them and brought them out of some pretty dark places. It was an interesting weekend filled with the sharing of journey's, so different and yet so similar.

God showed His face this weekend and spoke directly to my heart.

TRUST IS HARD WORK sometimes. Trusting that He will guide each step along the right path. I  have some very hard work to do, but I know my dear sweet readers that you will be there on the sideline cheering me forward as we walk together along this journey called LIFE.

Thank you for stopping in. Thanks you for the emails and the prayers. Thank you for your friendship and your trust. Thank you...for being there...
