let me introduce you to a miracle...

There are reasons why we don't keep our walk with Courtney to ourselves. Why I share so much here in this space. The good, the bad and the ugly.

There are God reasons.

He calls us to live in community with one another praying and supporting each other through this journey of life. Everyone's walk looks different, and yet we are all called to walk toward Our Lord.

I asked you earlier today to stand vigil with us and pray for our daughter.

I asked you to lift her high unto the Lord so that HIS will would be done. 

Would you like to see what HIS will looks like tonight...

That's right my friends...there is JOY...pure unadulterated JOY that HE IS RISEN!!

Miss Courtney passed with flying colors. Not a seizure in sight. She is handling the increased med load very, very well and her blood pressure has stabilized and remained stable for several hours now.

How can this be you ask?

Because you prayed my friends.

You prayed and begged God for mercy on behalf of our daughter and He decided to grant us an Easter miracle.

When our HOPE was waining we reached out for your help and you answered the call.

What can I say?

Look at her face.

She says thank you with that smile.

She says I love you with that smile.

She says I am forever changed by your gift of prayer with that smile.

So does her mother...

You want to know how I can always smile and find hope when the dark of night comes??

Because of night's like this where God's love and mercy rain down upon my daughter and she is given breath and joy once more.

Where there is love there is hope.

Where there is hope there is joy. 

Where there is joy there is Jesus. 

You don't believe in the power of prayer? You don't believe in miracles?

Let me introduce you to a miracle...her name is Courtney Elizabeth Lenaburg and she will be going home tomorrow...Easter Sunday afternoon.

No more EEG wires. No more IV's or blood draws. No more fear. No more pain.


There will be more trails and anguish as we face a new medical situation...of this I have no doubt.

But for this moment...this night...you have changed our world for the better.

Thank you...for this miracle achieved only through your prayers and God's overflowing mercy.

...thank you...


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