what I wore sunday ~ vol. 46...

Good Afternoon one and all...

I pray this Sunday is finding you either cheering on your favorite NCAA Basketball team or enjoying a quiet afternoon surrounded by those you love most. Here at Chez Lenaburg we are celebrating 16 hours of Miss Courtney being seizure free. WAhoo!!

This beautiful gem of a human being slept through the entire night without one incident which allowed this Mama to sleep seven hours in a row!! You know what seven hours of sleep will get a middle-aged menopausal woman? The energy to post a WIWS outfit. Oh yeah baby we are on fire!!

Look at her face. She has been smiling and laughing all morning long. She has eaten everything we have prepared for her and even went #2 all on her own with Mama having to intervene. I cannot tell how happy that last fact has made me. 

Remember our motto...celebrate the little things my friends. It what makes the world go round as well as keeping this Mama from losing her ever loving mind. So let's do the snoopy dance together shall we...

Now for the details on what I am wearing. The sweater is from Lane Bryant that I have had for many years. The earrings you have seen here before as well. They are from Charming Charlie's. Today is the first time I have worn this dress though. I got it at DressBarn with a gift card I was given at Christmas time. It's a Jones of New York faux wrap dress and very comfortable. I think I will be wearing it quite often this spring and summer. I love the color and pattern. As you know blue is my favorite color so when I get multiple shades of it on one outfit, I am happy, happy, happy. 

Jerry and I have youth ministry tonight. Big Brother will be with Miss Courtney since it's gotten pretty darn cold out there as a new storm is preparing to come through this week. Yay winter! 


Our ministry theme tonight is about the prodigal son. I love that story. I can identify with all three of the main characters, the father, the son and the brother who stayed behind. It will be a powerful night for sure with lots of prayer and praise. I am so looking forward to it I cannot tell you. We have much to be thankful for. 

God has been so very kind and generous to us using so many of you to speak his love for us and our daughter. Last night our friend Patrick sang at the Clifton at the Main Street Pub and put out his tip jar for for Miss Courtney to help defray the cost of wheelchair lift repair. 

We are so very grateful for his efforts. Between that and what has been donated by you wonderful readers on PayPal, we will take the van in this week for the repair. I know that if we don't have enough by then, God will provide a way as he always has. We will continue to accept donations for the repair as well as for Miss Courtney's AFO'S which it looks like we will probably have to pay for on our own. 

We were notified through the mail yesterday that we have lost round two with the insurance company. They denied her again. We will be filing our final appeal this week. It is exhausting battling for something that they used to cover no problem. But I guess that is just how it will be doing from here on out. The AFO's cost  $2697.00 and are crucial for her to stand and walk. So the PayPal button will remain open. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Go take a photo and join us won't you? Head on over to FineLinenandPurple and link up. Then you can head over here to Carolyn @ CCMMCFee What I Wore to Church,  Watch What I'm Wearing, celebrating modesty and fashionI'm also over at Sunday Style @ Plane Pretty , Tucker UpMonday Bloom @ DC in Style and The Pleated Poppy. It's a party!


Perspective} WIW to church

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