BA and MA in Psychology...
US Navy Vetren (served in the Vietnam War)...
mother of eight...
married faithfully for 36 years and has been a widow for fourteen years...
tended to my father for ten years as he fought non-hodgkins lymphoma as a result of exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
daily mass attendee...
extraordinary minister of Holy Communion...
Confirmation CCD teacher...
skydived for her 60th birthday...
swam the Great Barrier Reef for her 71st birthday...
awesome human being and inspiration to ALL of us...
taught me what sacrificial love looks like...
faithfully helped care for her granddaughter, my Courtney, for the last six months of her life...
these are just a few things that my mother has done and is doing. today though, today she went above and beyond.
So VERY PROUD of my 73 year old mother, Marianne Green, who was arrested today in DC as she quietly protested at Rep. John Boehner's office in support of the H.R.36 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
She and eight other protesters were kneeling in prayer for the unborn when they were arrested. She said they were treated with dignity and kindness by the police officers. Praise God for that.
My mother has lived her faith and love for God every day of her life. I have had a wonderful example of sacrificial love my entire life with this woman.
I have never been prouder of her than I am tonight on this beautiful feast day. Stand for what you believe my friends.
Stand tall and speak with love and grace.
Mama, I am so proud to be your daughter.
You are one badass Catholic.
#stand4life #fortheunborn #livewhatyoubelieve

Labels: abortion, catholic family life, catholic life, Grandma green, Politics, Prayer, Pro-Life Issues