friday ramblings...

a better day today...Miss Court woke up laughing...always awesome to hear...I no longer look like a chipmunk refusing to swallow...maybe more like a squirrel with a walnut...still a little puffy and painful but much LESS puffy and painful...loving the sunshine...brings so much energy...makes me look at my yard...ugh too much to do...way too much to do...need a landscape team...oh yea I have is J-man...feeling better about the yard...a little better...need to finish the laundry...who cares about the laundry...I care...too much...I need a time for that...there's laundry to fold...dam laundry...hubby calls..."what's for dinner?" clue...what are you having?...he's picking up a pizza a good pizza...favorite topping??...mozzarella, basil, tomato...I'm a simple really I am...gotta go finish the laundry...sigh...
