bbq, pie and a sack race or two...

Yes...there was MUCH eatin' being done.
pies, ice cream, brats, bbq chicken, etc. etc. etc.
I survived! I did it! I raced two nine year olds in a sack race and LIVED!

No, I did not win but I din't fall and that my friends is a freaking miracle!

Who knew sack races were so competitive! Next year I may need a hip replacement!
Proof that I actually raced...I'm the large yellow target among the teens... was so much fun. I was surrounded by people I care a great deal about. Craziness ensued, pie and chicken were eaten and there was more laughter than I have heard in weeks.
Brats on the HUGE barbecue manned by the Knights of Columbus.
Jerry's favorite stop at the picnic!
One of my favorite scenes of the day was when my buddy Noah grew a mustache, then his older brother Nicholas grew a stache and a goatee. I mean the miracle of it all! Before I knew it I was surrounded by crazy people...
It was the Mustache Miracle of 2011!!
A few of them went gray immediately...amazing...
There was sweetness in the company. It's not often that we have this amount of time to spend with some of our favorite people. It's one of the reasons I love this day so much. I get to stop for a bit and catch up and check in with what's going on in everyone's world and eat chicken...lots of chicken...
This is only one of six BBQ pits...amazing chicken.
You can hear the angels sing when you eat this chicken.
So many blessings to count but I LOVE a challenge:
#516 ~ #539
*a church family gathered on the lawn to celebrate and pray for a good year laboring in whatever their chosen fields are
*cherry pie
*apple pie
*blueberry pie, for the winner of course
*the smoke and smells of grilling meat
*bbq chicken made with the secret sauce (that has been handed down since the beginning of time)
*squeals of laughter coming from every direction
*old burlap potato sacks turned into the afternoon's entertainment
*three-legged races
*face painting and the moon bounce
*music made for dancing
*dunking the Deacon
*ice cream sandwiches and cold water
*brats with mustard
*pie eating contest won by a Marine...HooRAH!!
*sweet jams and jellies in the Country Store
*rain showers that bring glee instead or groans
*warm cups of tea to warm after being soaked in the rain
*sweet husbands who rub your feet after too many sack races
*backpacks at the ready for the first day of school
*tired Mama taking one more moment to hold my girl before bed
*medical students who open their hearts to special families
*hot steaming coffee to greet the day
*smiles from my favorite girl

Head on over to Ann Voskamp @A Holy Experience to be inspired once more
