what i wore sunday ~ vol. 45...

Happy Sunday!! 

As I type this we are preparing for "Titan's" arrival of 8-12 inches of snow. I am so excited! I can't stand it!

No really...I CAN'T stand anymore of it. 

But I am trying to embrace this day no matter how it unfolds. Miss Courtney slept well last night and so this Mama got seven straight hours of delightful sleep. I have a feeling with the impending storm tonight may be a bit more challenging if the past two storms are any indication. 

But embrace it we shall. 

I was so motivated this morning that I created a special "Spring Dance". For your viewing pleasure...

springdance from Mary Lenaburg on Vimeo.

Now that I have literally blinded you with my brilliance in the art of dance, let's move on to what I am wearing. 

Top is from Old Navy, skirt from Talbots, boots from DSW, tights and earrings from Lane Bryant, No makeup...oh oh oh  natural baby! That's how Jesus made me and that's how I went to Mass. It's that kind of day. 

I don't think Jerry and Courtney were impressed by my performance...

Hmmm...I think I need to get back to basics with my dancing. Maybe Miss Julia at the Patton School Of Dance can help me. After all she is one very talented three year old. 

Since it's the last Sunday before lent we are in full Mardi Gras mode here, so bring on the beef! Prime Rib for supper thanks to a little digging deeeeeep into the freezer. This was a gift at Christmas time and we have been looking forward to enjoying it. Jerry is very, very happy. Maybe I should make up a Prime Rib celebration dance? Hmmmm...maybe not...

Go take a photo and join us won't you? Head on over to FineLinenandPurple and link up. Then you can head over here to Carolyn @ CCMMCFee What I Wore to Church,  Watch What I'm Wearing, celebrating modesty and fashionI'm also over at Sunday Style @ Plane Pretty , Tucker UpMonday Bloom @ DC in Style and The Pleated Poppy. It's a party!


Perspective} WIW to church
