Sunday, November 27, 2016

feasting together...

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I know we did. It was filled with good food, great conversation and so much laughter. I am grateful that three of us got to spend the day together as a family, along with dear friends. 

We started the day with Mass. It's the one place where we can all be together again, the four of us. Courtney was there, right in the midst of things. There is a moment during consecration, where heaven meets earth, and in that moment I always feel my daughter's presence so powerfully. 

The older I get the more grateful I am for my faith and for my parents handing down their love of the sacred traditions to me and my siblings, including the Mass. It was a glorious gift to receive and in turn I was able to give thanks for ALL we have been blessed with. It was a wonderful way to start the day. 

Next up, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and commented on the horrid lip synching and inappropriate bump and grinding that passed for dancing. Then it was off to the kitchen for Christmas Carol singing and lots of potato peeling and chopping. 

Spending this special time with people who have walked through the fire with us was an incredible gift. Whenever our two families get to spend time together, you can bet there will be food and laughter, and plenty of both. 

DQ had brined the turkey for almost 24 hours and after a swing through the oven, it was time to carve the bird and get down to the feasting. 

It was a beautiful spread. If ever there was a holiday where the table should be burgeoning with deliciousness, it's Thanksgiving. There was turkey, honey baked ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, beets w/mint, pumpkin dinner rolls, amazing gravy and homemade cranberry sauce. 

It was heaven my friends. Absolute heaven. Every mouthful was a delight to the senses. Even better than the food, was the conversation. When our two families get together, it's a hoot. There are stories shared, chaos ensues during the pre-dinner poker game and the laughter rolls throughout our feasting. 

This year was no exception. There were actual tears rolling down my face by the time we were clearing the table. It felt wonderful to laugh that much. It had been far too long. Good friends.They make walking through the trails of life just a little bit easier.

How was your Thanksgiving? I pray you were able to spend time with those you love. It makes everything that much better doesn't it?  

Time for a leftover turkey sandwich...yet another reason to be grateful for Thanksgiving. Into Advent we go...four weeks until Christmas!! 

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