Monday, December 22, 2014

in God's time and not before...

As we sit by Courtney's bedside, waiting for God to bring her home, Jerry and I have been going through twenty-two years of photos, remembering the good, the great and the not so fabulous. This has been such a gift to us, this time to remember and celebrate our sweet girl, just the our little family.

We thought that she would go this morning around 2:30 a.m. She gave us every indication that the time had arrived so the three of us gathered around the Christmas tree, I held Courtney and we prayed the rosary together as a family. It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget. 

Miss Courtney decided that she needed to stay a bit longer and is still fighting as I type this. I have come to understand that this time of Advent, this time of waiting and preparation, is meant to teach this Mama quite a few lessons about God's timing in our lives. One day I will share them but for now, we watch and wait for our girl to let go and run into Jesus's arms. 

That moment will be a beautiful, horrible, majestic moment that I am still preparing for it. 

This daughter of ours is such a gift to us and so many others. She is working hard to finish the mission that she alone must complete this side of heaven. Until that is done, we patiently wait. 

Well maybe not so patiently.

Thank you for all the candles you have lit for our girl. Please keep sending us the photos. Thank you for the prayers sent our way and the love that just keeps coming from all directions We are humbled. We are astonished at the work God is doing through our daughter. 

She will be home with God soon. In His time and His alone. 


  1. God Bless you all.
    Praying from afar...

  2. Mary praying hard for your sweetie and for yiyr family. Such a majestic, horrible moment... God has so allowed you such a clarity of thought during this time... You are a gift to us in your bravery and have set an example to me . Absolute faith... Unconditional love ....I am 62 years old with 6 daughters and 12 grands.. One 4 days old and I thought I had seen faith and love ... Even felt it and profess to have it!!! But you my girl have raised the bar for all of us... Thank you for making all of us mommas know that we still have to strive....that our job is always to look up in obedience and trust!!.. Praying praying!!

  3. Bless your family Mary and grant you peace. Found your blog last week and have been reading it non-stop ever since. Courtney is a shining light bringing countless souls closer to Jesus...there is no more important work that can be done this side of heaven. Thank you Mary for sharing your beautiful daughter with us all. Know that I am thinking of you often and praying for you - Suzanne

  4. Off to Adoration for all of you!

  5. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Mary, many thoughts and prayers with your family during this time.

  7. Same here, your in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

  8. Taking every step with you in prayer still. I feel Courtney is sending peace to us all, a deep peace built from total trust in Jesus, and with Our Lady ever there in the background. Thank you, I am in need of Courtney's prayer, love and offering and I am grateful for all she is doing. Blessings x

  9. My family prays constantly for you, day and night. Thank you for sharing your story!

  10. God's love and peace be with you all and continued prayers!

  11. Beautiful. You are in our prayers.


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