Thursday, November 11, 2010

small successes (vol.57)...


"It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that."

As we have been dealing with round #2 of a lovely ROTO virus with Miss Court, I have taken advantage of the time home to begin a DEEP cleaning of the house. I started yesterday in the living room dusting, cleaning walls, baseboards and vacuuming out furniture. Today I will be in the kitchen wiping down cabinet fronts and scrubbing floors. Tomorrow bathrooms and Friday bedrooms. I will feel better when the house is clean. 

Court is hanging in there. I pray she doesn't lose too much weight. She doesn't have any to spare.

I have almost gotten ALL the Christmas shopping done. I have a few more things to get for hubby and #1 son but then we're all finished. I can't wait to have them all wrapped and ready.

I have just about caught up with the laundry. A diaper wearing severely disabled young woman with an intestinal virus has NOT been kind to my laundry pile. Good thing she's so cute and lovable and worth every load and more.

Blessings and Grace.


  1. Oh no! I hate that Courtney is sick and rotovirus is no joke. They came out with the immunization for it just a month before Shelby was born. My nephew who is nine-months older than Shelby had it FOUR times in his first year of life. I am so blessed to have been spared! I am certainly saying prayers for healing! (On the upside, a deep cleaning this time of year, is always a good thing. Gets rid of other germs and gets you holiday ready!)

  2. oh my. i think i will stop complaining about the muddy shoes and dirty least we don't have any stomach issues!

    many blessings to you this morning as you praise and thank and work for the glory of God.

    (i keep seeing the name of your blog pop up on FB and it is a little reminder to me to keep going with cheerfulness...passionately persevering. thank you!)

  3. I hope Court gets to feeling better soon! How horrible to have ROTO virus! I am very impressed that you are deep cleaning your house and have finished Christmas shopping!

  4. Way to go, Mary! These are huge successes especially in light of g.i. issues which tend to set me back at least a week.

    Prayers for your sweet daughter to fell better soon.

  5. Hope Courtney is better very soon! Prayers for her and her mama, too!

    Wow, Christmas shopping has not even entered my head! That is pretty impressive!

  6. Thanks Ladies for all of your support! You always make me smile.

  7. We'll offer up some prayers that Courtney gets to feeling better ASAP. Congrats on staying on top of the laundry and the cleaning though! Way to make lemonade out of lemons!

  8. Still praying for Courtney & all of you, hoping she gets better very soon. Way to go on getting all that cleaning done. And the Christmas shopping...AWESOME! We've started talking about what we want to get the munchkins here...does that count at all?

  9. Hope that Courtney is over the worst! More prayers coming your way... Hugs my friend!

  10. I am impressed by how wonderful you could make your week despite its challenges. My prayers will continue for you and Courtney.


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